hear a story, tell a story.

Open-mic, true stories told live!

𝟓 Minutes or 𝘓ess, No 𝔑otes, 𝘖pen-Mic 𝔗rue Stories on a Theme


Join us bi-monthly for a night of open-mic story-telling on a theme inspired by the work of a local poet or writer!

Stories are five minutes or less, told without the use of notes. Follow for updates at @spill_the_story
and be sure to check out our calendar below!

We very much encourage sign ups before the event --
If you would like to sign up for a 5 Minute or Less story DM us on facebook, instagram at @spill_the_story, or email at deathrattlewriter@gmail.com
This will really help us determine the attendance so we are able to give everyone time that would like to share!

You are also very welcome to join the meeting to just watch and listen. If, during the event you are feeling inclined to tell a story, you are very welcome to text us privately in the zoom meeting and we will sign you up for a 5 minute slot as time allows!

You are also welcome to send us 5 minute or less videos of yourself telling a story on the theme that we can share on our instagram and website to contribute and share if you are unable to make the date and time online!

And Oo! There is a fourth option! To those familiar to the Spill, you know that we take anonymous stories as well ~ these are about 3 to 6 lines-ish you write on the theme that can be sent to us by DM or email (at @spill_the_story on insta or facebook or email at deathrattlewriter@gmail.com) and we will read them aloud for you as hosts without your name attached so you can participate that way as well!! See you story-tellers there!

A mini workshop series on storytelling

 Welcome to our mini workshop series on storytelling as a way to breakdown, brainstorm, expand on, and eventually tell true stories from your own experiences in engaging and writerly ways you might not have landed on otherwise! We hope you find these few tips and guides helpful— and, can’t wait to hear and engage with what you come up with and share at, say, our bi-monthly storytelling events, The Spill! All videos include closed captioning.
If you have any questions or comments about the workshops, don’t hesitate to email nicholasdarlinton@deathrattlewritersfest.org

Rules Round up! For conducting yourself as a storyteller:

Rule # 1: The use of hate speech of any kind will result in immediate banishment. I.e. Racial slurs, body shaming, ableist, classist, homophobic or transphobic remarks or anything else that we define as hateful or racist. 

Rule # 2: Each storyteller has 5 minutes to relate their tale. When your time is up we will give you a warning sound effect, which means that you have 1 minute to rap up your story. Please pay close attention to your time; sometimes it is helpful to practice beforehand to make sure that you can tell your whole story in 5 minutes or less. 

Rule # 3: Have fun and be respectful to those that are willing to share with us!



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